Helinda Wynter


As a child in Kugane, Himiko Fuyuka possessed an insatiable curiosity, often wandering the lively streets and vibrant markets of her cherished hometown. Her father, Takeshi Fuyuka, a retired member of the Sekiseigumi, was renowned across Doma as a master swordsmith, his skill and craftsmanship legendary among both locals and travelers alike. Her mother, Ayame Fuyuka, was celebrated throughout Kugane for her mastery of the culinary arts. The invasion of the Empire came as a shock, shattering the tranquility of Doma's serene landscapes and plunging its people into a maelstrom of fear and uncertainty. In a bid to safeguard his loved ones, Takeshi vowed his allegiance and expertise to the Imperial forces, driven by a desperate desire to ensure the safety of his family amidst the chaos of war. Himiko refused to believe that the Imperials would bring anything but destruction and oppression to her homeland, clinging to the hope that the spirit of Doma would endure, resilient against the encroaching tide of tyranny. She sought solace with the Doman Liberation Front, resolved to combat the Imperials and revive her nation's dignity, inspiring others to unite in the struggle for liberty and righteousness. Unbeknownst to Himiko, Takeshi orchestrated her marriage to a high-ranking Imperial commander as a desperate scheme to rescue her from the ravages of war. Despite her father’s intentions, Himiko steadfastly refused the arranged marriage, determined to maintain her autonomy and continue her fight for freedom on her own terms, regardless of the hardships that may come her way. By refusing, she sealed her fate, branded a traitor by her own people and exiled from her homeland, forced to navigate a perilous journey alone. She shed her old identity like a worn cloak, embracing a new persona as Helinda Wynter, a name whispered in shadows and carried on the wind, a symbol of defiance and resilience in the face of adversity, as she embarked on a quest to forge her own destiny and seek redemption for her past.

Race: Highlander
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Birthdate: 9th Sun of the 2nd Umbral Moon
Orientation: Attracted to Feminine Personas
Origin: Doma
Guardian Deity: Halone, the Fury
Occupation: Scion of the Seventh Dawn

Height:6 fulms, 1 ilm                       Body: Muscular
Hair: Jet black                               Weight: 230 ponze
Skin: Light                                     Eyes: Olive

Markings: Various scars and burns adorning her body, primarily on her back due to inexperience or deadly encounters.
Weapons: Katana, Great Sword,or Battle Axe
Specialization: Doman Resistance Elite Commander

Quirks: Helinda's energetic and whimsical spirit often brightens the mood of those around her, creating memorable and uplifting moments in any situation. Energetic and fervent, she often finds herself brimming with excitement, sometimes to an excessive degree. While she tends to observe quietly when feeling uneasy, she readily expresses herself when presented with the chance to speak out.Assets: Strength, Dedication, Intelligence, DeterminationLimitations: Realistic, Overly Optimistic, PersistentHobbies: Cooking, Hunting, Chocobo RacingPersonality Type: ENFP


Boa Valenwood

"Knowledge is the seed from which wisdom blooms; cultivate it with curiosity, and let its roots spread deep into the soil of understanding."

Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Origin: Sharlayan
Guardian Deity: Thaliak, The Scholar
Occupation: Scion of the Seventh Dawn

Hooks & Rumors

Warrior- Helinda, a proficient warrior, never retreats from danger. Instead, she confronts threats head-on, showcasing her mastery with a blade since a young age. Do you have the courage to challenge her?

Loyalty- Unwavering from her oath, she will see her task through to the very end. She will stop what she is doing to aid her closest companion. Though she has been betrayed countless times by those closets to her, she has not allowed herself to become cynical.

Support- Come what may, Helinda will always be there by your side. She offers some wisdom, though she is still young. When you’ve been broken into a million pieces, can anything continue to break?